Motivados por teacher of Computer and English Bassicc Office (II) Tracy.
1)I lost my old poem
but it's in my memory
I am hapy with my new job
and with friends
and peoples of good feel.
Yesterday I was sad
for the angry of world.
God is power
and I write whith
you ligth and love.
2)We love letters
for violence of the man.
We sing with guitars
lisent your smiles
and will have pace too.
3)I like my Computer
Is good couplet
whit me
Is wong or Trow?
Onderstaind the poet
Or the poets are crazis
of love?
Cualquier experto o conocedor del Inglés, puede ayudarme a rectificar la ortografia o darme sugerencias técnicas respecto a estos primeros intentos de poetizar en otro idioma, tan difícil para mi. Gracias: Diana Margarita.